We all have
in a day.
How you use them is YOUR choice.

HOW YOU SHOW UP NOW will determine not only how your business will look, but also the trajectory of your personal life and your impact for generations to come.


That’s what’s keeping you playing at a certain income & relational level.

I will say what no one else in your world is brave and bold enough to say as I teach you how to champion yourself and LEVEL UP.  I help heal relationships with yourself, your partner, your child(ren) and your business.

number one

1:1 Private Client


Working 1:1 means me holding your hand as we redesign or reinvent your business and personal life from the ground up. It's private access to working with me personally to help you explode your life and business This is custom tailored, not an out of the box group experience. I traditionally won't take on clients for less than 12 sessions. It's about harnessing potential and getting it right so you won't go sideways. We're talking radical shifts that will make you wake up every day with your heart racing at the thought of being alive.  I help you can change your destiny and legacy and become a GENERATIONAL IMPACTOR and INFLUENCER!


The 12 sessions are organic in that we can meet weekly, biweekly, whenever and however it works best for you. There will be homework...but it's FOR YOU....you are building or redesigning a new life or perhaps scaling a business after all! *Understand that when you're a 1:1 client of ours you get PSYCH-K® balances free (normally individual sessions are $444 each)!

number two



Not wanting to commit to 12 sessions? A Power Hour is your opportunity to Ask Me Anything relationally, emotionally and financially that's kept you up at night via whichever platform you prefer:

Telephone (for US only) What'sApp, Zoom, Viber or FaceTime

number three



H. Porta et al offers full & half day sessions (limited availability, they sell out fast). It’s an opportunity to condense six months into a supercharged day of laser-focused and power-packed individualized attention so you can make rapid, exponential growth not only in your business but also personally. Don’t spend the next year flailing in the dark or worse, investing significant amounts of time and tens of thousands of dollars on long-term coaching & programs that lack the exact focus + immediate integration you need now.

One client went from $8k/m to projected $1.7M/yr (at year end, ended up with $1.9M)

Or another one of our clients, who had a much needed concept that wasn't present in the marketplace, but didn't have a strategy nor infrastructure to get it off the ground. After our Intensive, they executed our blueprint and made 6 figures in the first 6 months

Another client implemented our recommendations and had their first 5 figure sales day in the first week!

Another client in the 30 days following the meeting signed over $200K!

Another client who was able to finally break through the six-figure barrier in his business.

A corporate client rolled out a new strategy we developed to enhance and harmonize the  culture and prevented a mass exodus which would have resulted in the company folding. 

Another client came to us wanting to save their marriage as divorce is costly in every way. Happy to report that after the Intensive and 1:1 mentoring, their marriage is stronger than the day they got married.

Our VIP focused high-powered, high-touch immersion offering is reserved exclusively for those serious about leveling-up their life and willing to commit the time, energy and resources required to reach the next level. This catalytic weekend could add multiple six figures to your business or save your relationship (or both!). In a nutshell, participants will work through six months’ worth of personally designed coaching exclusively to meet their specific needs in one single day at a five-star location.

Hilary has provided our firm an invaluable service. Her dedication and tireless efforts have resulted in both success and increased market presence. Rarely does one individual possess the capability to look at a situation, have an immediate grasp and understanding of the needs and also have the ability to blend corporate branding, PR, and corporate coaching to enhance relationships between management, associates and affiliate partners of The Austin Group and Austin Gase Racing. She is definitely a must have for your corporate needs.

has hundreds of success stories just like these:

– Steve Austin, CEO,
The Austin Group, Austin Gase Racing

number four



My Masterminds are a powerful intimate container with carefully vetted individuals from all over the world with a primary focus on strategy, frameworks and mindset to help you go NEXT LEVEL both professionally and personally. My Masterminds are all about real community, accountability and results as we are firm believers in iron sharpens iron. Slots fill up quickly.

The modules that Hilary shared pushed me to really think about how I want to architect my life and what I could create for myself. I saw many of our Mastermind participants flourish and create a much more robust business model. For me, the modules pushed me to evaluate where, what and who I want behind me creating and running my business.

Hilary herself is a powerhouse. She is unbelievably amazing. She has your back every step of the way, is incredibly available in difficult times and really just cares about each and everyone of us. She is such an incredible gift to have in my life. I feel like we were meant to meet and inspire each other. I just adore her, her energy and her deep knowing and light. She has a true gift and we are so fortunate that she is willing to share it with the world.

Hilary went above and beyond to make time to talk with me and address any of my questions, concerns, fears, etc. When she says she is a shame slayer, she means it. She has an incredible and fierce light and she uses it to connect without abandon. Having Hilary on my side made a huge difference for me.


Experiences from past Mastermind graduates



Hilary is a highly respected and sought after authority on transformation and mindset.

If you're looking for a credible and energetic speaker for your keynote, panel sessions, conference, live event, retreat, radio, TV or podcast, that delivers high audience engagement, mindset, human behavior hacks and actionable take-away strategies, then look no further. From sharing stages with Dr. Deepak Chopra to many global industry leaders, Hilary is a highly respected and sought after authority on transformation and mindset. If you are interested in having Hilary as your spokeswoman please reach out to discuss.  Let her make your event outstanding and memorable.

Most Requested Topics


Becoming the CEO of You: Architecting Your Life

DNA of a Servant Leader: Harmonizing the Organization

Programming Your Supercomputer: Mindset & Magnetic Manifestation

The Power of Phraseology: The Art of Courageous & Vulnerable Communication 


Heart-Centered Selling from the Neuropsychological Standpoint

Managing the Space Between the Space: Bending Time

number five
number six



Is a healing modality that is backed by brain based transformational psychology and ancient wisdom. Recommended by world-renowned cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, in his book,  The Biology of Belief, and scientifically validated by Dr Jeff Fannin's research on Brain Mapping. There are blocks that have been passed down to us, unknowingly generationally, that are literally in our DNA, yes – at the cellular level, and they keep us from receiving the life & biz we desire. The great news is that within minutes, we can replace known and unknown trauma imprints, hardwired habits and beliefs like shame, scarcity anxiety, overwhelm and limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

"PSYCH-K  represents one of the most important, efficient, effective, and rapid change processes that is available on this planet today."

- Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.
Author of bestselling"The Biology of Belief"


As you can see, this is a real

Should you want to start with this option, please fill out the Intake Form. Once we receive a notification you'll receive an email with a calendar link to schedule your session.

life changer!

Imagine how you would feel if you were dialed in 100% to your PURPOSE, gaining MINDSET MASTERY, showing up with EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and VULNERABILITY.

So, here’s where I come in. I create REAL breakthroughs for my clients—I  won’t allow you to play small because of limiting beliefs. I ensure clients, their businesses and their relationships become restored and nutritive, amplified and 10X’d.

Whatever it looks like to you, the truth is everything comes down to the choices YOU make. 

Simply put, I help you make choices both personally and professionally that serve your highest self for the long game.

Sit with that for a minute.

It’s time to break though the caution tape and get REAL & RAW. Stop putting it off and saying things like maybe next week or next month or next year.

The time is Now!

Let’s pull back the curtain together to
architect the life and business you always 

dreamed of having!